Storm Weavers is a unique combination of a classic gamebook with an element of tactical combat taking place on the board.
As a dwarven warrior, you undertake a journey across the vast land of Midgard to find and rescue your friend. To achieve your goal you must overcome a sinister adversity. As you travel from location to location, you have to face strong orcs, clever goblins, bloodthirsty wolves, ice giants, all migthy gods, cowardly wizards, greedy merchants, bad people, good people ... can they stop you from reaching your goal?
Latest Updates from Our Project:
New stretch goal unlocked and more news about the box!
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, May 01, 2021 at 01:04:50 PM
Greetings Adventurers!
After the weekend we are back with some really great news! At first, you have succesfully unlocked another stretch goal - printed World Guide and this is really awesome! Hurray for you, Warriors! It means that our gamebook gets even thicker, expanded by another printed content. With World Guide you willlearn moreabout Storm Weavers universe and its inhabitants, history and interesting places. You will receive it with additional illustrations that were not included in the original Polish version of the game.
There are more and more voices about the game box in our community. You have noticed that the game elements should be stored somehow. So, after consulting our printing house - we have the solution. Thegame will be delivered to you with the basic cardboard box, which looks like this:
Our basic cardboard box will allow you to store all the elements of the game.
This is the basic, simple version of the box, which will be added to each physical copy of the game that we will send to yousecured in the outer packaging.
So what about "stretch goal Game Box"?
Upon reaching the goal of EUR 90,000, which we are convinced is possible, we will give you an improved version of the box - one that Storm Weavers truly deserve. Made of solid (dwarven)cardboard and illustrated, it will make Storm Weavers a really beautiful box set:
Many of you are concerned if we will be able to reach this streatch goal. Don't worry- we are entering the second phase of the campaign and we are going to launch some serious advertising support that will lead us to this goal ... and maybe even further!
Meantime, you are always welcome to help us with our campaign. Please have on mind to regulalry check and click "visit project" green button - this can help us to keep high on the Hot List and make our campaign more visible. You can also spread the word among your friends and publish news about us on your social media.
With Dwarven Regards,
Storm Weavers Team
Short but important news!
almost 4 years ago
– Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 12:58:05 PM
Greetings, Adventurers!
Today we have a short, but important update for you: we reached 45.000 EUR stretch goal and that means our physical gamebook is getting extended by additional 70 sections of Epilogue. That means Storm Weavers physical gamebook contains now 454 sections! This makes the book so solid that it could hit a skinny goblin for serious damage, when used as an improvised weapon.
The gamebook gets thicker and there'e still Printed World Guide goal to expand the book with more printed content!
Another cool thing is that you will get extra illustrations which were not included in the Polish version. Our Artist, Przemek Gul, started to work on them today.
Some of you have pointed out that a map of the world of Midgard would be a nice addition to the book. In fact this is a really great idea, we decided to make a map of the game world which will introduce you to the atmosphere of the game!
We keep marching forward!
With Dwarven Regards,
Storm Weavers Team
300% realized funding goal and 5 extra stretch goals unlocked so far!
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 07:14:15 AM
Greetings Adventurers!
It's a second day of the campaign and we have above 300% realized funding goal nad 5 extra stretch goals unlocked! This is a really tremendous effect! Thank you for your support! Also, if you could give us a little dwarven backup and spread the word about campaign, we will be very pleased!
Goals unlocked so far! Great job Adventurers!
Now, let's talk about freshly unlocked goals:
Mobile character sheet is a simple tool that allow you to keep the statistics of your Thymin in your mobile device, and make changes to them according to the plot (during adventure, Wisdom, Dexterity, HP, Weapon Bonus or Armor Class of Thymin can grow or decrease).
The world guide is an appendix to the game, in which you will find a lot information about Storm Weavers world, creatures living in it, places and history. it is an atmospheric introduction to the world, that will make you feel even more at home in it. It will also give you some tips and hints about the game!
Thank you once again for your great support! We keep marching on to unlock further exciting goals!
With Dwarven Regards,
Storm Weavers Team
3 Additional stretch goals unlocked so far!
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 07:13:45 AM
Adventurers, You have unlocked 3 additional stretch goals so far: Mobile Combat Maps, Prequel and Epilogue! This looks like true dwarven rush!
Let me get you into details:
Mobile Combat Maps
You can play combats on your mobile device without using physical combat maps and minis.
Remember that this is not an app with programmed AI - it's just a tool that displays you a selected map, on which you can move digital tokens manually. There's also a digital dice you can roll.
But still, you need to have your pen & paper equipment to track how combat goes.
Basically, it looks like that:
This is an additional 110 paragraphs expansion about Thymin's past, in PDF file. Physical version will be avalaible as one of further stretch goals.
This is an additional 60 paragraphs expansion that takes place after the events of the main game, in PDF format. Physical version will be avalaible as one of further stretch goals.
Thanks for your kind support!
We're marching on!
Storm Weavers Team
You made it! Funding goal reached! THANKS!
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 07:12:50 AM
Greetings Adventurers!
Gratulations, YOU made it! We have reached our main funding goal. Thank you all for your support fellow warriors, but as you can see at the bottom of campaign page, this is just the beggining of Thymin's journey. Let's go!